In 1958, Patricia Bays Haroski filed her petition for National Boss’s Day with the U.S. Department of Commerce. An employee at State Farm Insurance in Chicago, Haroski felt that bosses deserved recognition for their hard work and dedication. Of course, her father was her boss, which may have influenced her admiration. Still, four years later Illinois governor Otto Kerner signed the declaration to make the day official, on the proposed date of October 16 – which was the birthday of Haroski’s father.
The intention of National Boss’s Day is to positively influence the relationships between employers and their employees. It is a day to let the good bosses know that they are admired and appreciated. Green and flowering plants are excellent gifts for corporate and business environments, and Mission Viejo Florist is your best local choice for these beautiful gifts.

In honor of National Boss’s Day, here are some fun facts about the observance:
* The word “boss” is Dutch in origin, translated a “baas” in that language. The word means “master.
* The term boss was first used in the United States around 1625.
* It is estimated that there are 11 million people in supervisory positions in the American workforce.
* Although the day was established in 1962, Hallmark didn’t produce a greeting card for nearly 17 years.
* Statistics indicate that 40% of the world’s bosses are female. In the United States, 12% of CEO’s are female.
* Although it is a relatively new observance, there is already a superstition surrounding it. It is considered bad luck
to have a confrontation with a boss on this day.
*National Boss’s Day is celebrated in the United States, South Africa, India, and Australia, making it a global holiday.
If you are looking for a way to thank your boss for all the advice, encouragement. support, and guidance – look no further than Mission Viejo Florist. Boss’s Day is October 16, and we are here to help you with beautiful flowers and gifts.