Mission Viejo

Mission Viejo

Posted by Grace Bjornstad on November 16, 2015 | Last Updated: February 16, 2022 Thanksgiving

Fun Thanksgiving Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

thanksgivingIn 2015, we will celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November, just as it has been celebrated since 1939. If that date is a bit more recent than you expected, it is due to the fact that Thanksgiving didn’t even become a holiday until 1863, when Abraham Lincoln created it.

The inspiration for the holiday was the feast that was held by the Pilgrims after their first successful harvest in 1621; the three day celebration included the Wampanoag Indians , the tribe who had taught the settlers how to cultivate crops. The dinner guests would not have had forks, so spoons, knives – and their fingers – were the utensils of choice. That first Thanksgiving would not have included mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie or cranberry sauce; however lobster, dried fruits and goat cheese were likely on the menu, along with deer and maple syrup. Although turkey may or may not have been on the dinner table, it is the main course for nearly 95% of us on Thanksgiving Day.

Franklin Roosevelt changed the holiday from the last Thursday in November to the fourth Thursday, a move designed to extend the Christmas shopping season by a week and spur on economic development. In 1920, Gimbels Department Store sponsored a parade to highlight their store’s merchandise; in 1924 Macy’s saw the opportunity and followed suit – and the rest is history.

However you celebrate Thanksgiving, Mission Viejo Florist has all the elegant centerpieces, festive floral arrangements and vivid bouquets you will need. Whether hosting the meal or visiting friends and family, autumn flowers add the warmth and charm of the season. Browse our website, or come into our Mission Viejo shop to speak to an expert about creating your own floral display. Happy Thanksgiving!